Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My My My - Aren't We The Quiet Type!

My blog stats tell me you are out there but, oh my how quiet you are! I'm craving feedback and comments from my faithful readers. This is my 123rd post today and I'm delighted that my musings have sparked inspiration for so many. I'm beginning to think my readers are the stalker type (no offense). I sort of feel like the radio DJ working the late late night shift wondering if there is an audience and who they are.

I'm anxious to hear your comments about the posts that captured your interest and what they've inspired you to do in your home.  And I love questions! I've received a few via my e-mail and was happy to promptly answer them.

To date here are the top ten blog posts according to my blog stats, based on the number of you who have read them:

With over 850 readers No. 1 is...
With over 580 readers No. 2 is....

With over 230 readers No. 3 is....

With over 195 readers No. 4 is...

With over 170 readers No. 5 is...
With over 125 readers No. 6 is....

With over 100 readers No. 7 is...

I must confess that when browsing my local wines and spirits shop I first consider a wine based on its label design. Sort of like when I occ...

With over 100 readers (trailing slightly with No. 7) No. 8 is...

With over 90 readers No. 9 is...
  • In the words of Tom Petty, "Oh my my, oh hell yes, honey put on that party dress..".  Doesn't a black and white checkerboard floor just make...
And with over 85 readers No. 10 is....
  • I'm inspired by unique interior doors. A unique door is the first indication that you are about to walk into a special room. It is almost li..
So looking forward to reading your comments. I know you aren't shy!

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