Monday, March 3, 2014

Less is a Bore No. 1

Welcome to a new volume on this blog. Less is a Bore. This volume's sister will be called Less is More. Design is a balancing of a comfort level to achieve a room that reflects your lifestyle. And this balance can vary from room to room. I love that variation - it is like having the best of both worlds.

How one finds that balance is easier than you think. Start this journey with me in seeing the contrast between Less is a Bore and Less is More. You'll start feeling an attraction towards one or the other. Or you might find, like I, you enjoy having it both ways as a warm approach to defining your rooms' designs throughout your home.

I must put emphasis on noting that Less is a Bore does not mean a room of meaningless clutter and an over abundance of things. Less is a Bore is a room filled, to a balanced degree, carefully and with meaning. It takes a skill, an eye to detail naturally gifted-not learned, and surprisingly it takes restraint. Because Less is a Bore is still a room well-designed.

Choose wisely, choose carefully, choose not like a kid in a candy store. Seek out those professionals with the talent to achieve the Less is a Bore look for your home to work with on your journey. 

Image Resources: House Beautiful, Albert Pinto, Bijou and Bohemian, Vicente Wolf, Paloma 81, Ralph Lauren, Sally Wheat

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