Monday, June 24, 2013

Be Inspired No. 48 - When One is Not Enough

This isn't like the dining chair where you know you need enough of the same thing to meet a function or the barstool where you purchase the quantity that fits at the counter, or even pairs of shoes so that you have something to go with that outfit.  No you have to own up to this one.  

When one is not enough is the moment you fall in love with that piece (you know there's a glow and angels are singing and it's calling your name and saying take me home and then the one beside it is saying pick me too?) Please tell me this happens to you too!

I love that the person who was buying this collection of art wasn't told you can only pick one!

When I am designing a room for a client there is nothing more satisfying then the look on their faces when I say, in almost a whisper, you don't have to can have them all and yes it falls into the budget! Rules, what rules?  If one tries to analyze a well designed room and look for reason - the creativity behind the accomplishment of a job well done is destroyed.  

Take well designed rooms for what they are meant to be - a room that tells a story and provides comfort for its dwellers, period.

Analyze if you want, but I argue this room wouldn't be the same with just one chandelier!

Wife: "I really like the wooden arm chair."
Husband: "I really like the wing back chair."
Designer: "Let's do them both!"

Loving the mismatch of the consoles at the windows.  Just because 
it has the asymmetric treatment doesn't mean they need to match.

When one is not enough also applies to the possibilities of function in a room too.  With the formal living room almost becoming extinct in our homes today why does it have to be furnished like an unused parlour?  Breath new life into these unused spaces of our home - take back this space by using the philosophy "when one is not enough".

Why can't a spacious entry be the dining room as well?

Or the living room be the home office too?

Image Sources:  Architectural Digest, Tom Scheerer, Pinterest

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