Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gotta Love No. 15 - Door Knockers

Who needs a door chime when a door knocker is what lets the person asking entrance into our homes that they are about to visit some amazing people? Here are some seriously cool door knockers.

Door knockers have a long history -- they have probably existed as long as houses have had doors -- but it wasn't until the Middle Ages that door knockers became a fanciful house accessory.
    • The Renaissance awakened an interest in art and design, and door knockers grew more ornate. Once constructed of pounded iron, knockers were cast in delicate shapes and figures in iron and brass for the doors of the wealthier members of society.

      Obviously, the purpose of a door knocker is to allow a guest the opportunity to announce his presence. During the superstitious Middle Ages, door knockers took on gruesome faces, such as gargoyles, dogs, and lions, to ward off evil spirits from entering the home.

      Image Sources: Euro Antique Market, Paris Through My Lens, Chic Provence, Shutter Stock, EHow

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