Monday, September 30, 2013

Gotta Love No. 38 - Mixing Metals

It's all about application. About seeing something we like and applying it to our surroundings. Mixing metals is just that. Nature showed us the beauty in mixed metals in quartz and granite. Commerce showed us the luster of mixed metals with coins of silver and gold. Goldsmiths have been showing us the wonder of mixed metals for centuries. And thus the inspirational application of mixed metals into our homes evolved.

Whether subtle as in mixing a gold framed mirror with a silver chandelier or saturating our entire room, mixed metals are stunning.

Mixing metals does not, by design rules, have to include baroque influences. Nor does it take an alchemist's skill to achieve. Quite simply it is being inspired to mix to your heart's content.

To be obvious about the mix or not.

 To throw matchy matchy rules to the wind.

To love e-v-e-r-y piece in our room. Even if it doesn't match. Sooner or later we all learn when it comes to interpreting who we are in our room there are no rules, no do's and don'ts.

Gotta love mixing metals. 

Image Sources: Pinterest, Houzz, Better Homes & Garden, Decor Pad, Hooker Furniture

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