Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Gift Giving No. 5 - Gift Wrapping Inspiration

From me to you!  Just in time to replenish your gift wrapping supplies or give inspiration for using up some odds and ends that are just so lovely but what to do with them.

You know those narrow scraps of beautiful paper you have stockpiling up?
Create an accent band around solid colored paper.

I am loving the purse-wrap and the silhouette on faux bois paper is fantastic.

It's all about the brooch and ribbon.

Beautiful for those upcoming Fall weddings.

What a difference some ribbon and paper flowers makes!
It's not just a brown bag anymore.

Au natural for any occasion.


Brown wrapping paper, twine, buttons, and a trip 
to the copy center with some great passages.

Another reason to dig in that button box.

Brooches, brooches, brooches!

Theme wrap personalized.

More brown-bagging it.

Trader Joe bag turned inside out and some great stamps.

And you know how much I love cool gift tags!  Check out the vintage photo gift tags in the image above, what a blast.  

Image Sources:  La Parisienne, Pinterest, Zsa Zsa Bellagio, Paper Cave, Tumbler, Destination Design

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