Thursday, August 29, 2013

Rooms I Love No. 10 - I Have a Crush on You Because

I have a crush on you....

because of the bobbin chair, painted black cabinet, comfy conversation areas.

This is No. 10 in the series Rooms I Love, and it is hard to imagine that if I laid all the images featured in these installments that I would be able to list 5 design elements that are most important to me for a room.  As a designer, when you give a client the assignment of pulling pages from magazines of rooms they like it really does tell us all the things they might not have been able to articulate with words.  

So whether your favorite room images are torn pages tucked in a file marked "Dream Rooms", or pinned to a bulletin board marked "Room Crush" as mine are,  review them and finish the following sentence, "I have a crush on you because (fill in the blank)."  I think your list of design elements can be narrowed down to a few as well.

because of the painted black cocktail, the impromptu library, the chandeliers, 
the demand for conversation at a slow pace, and the fireplace.

because of the clever chalkboard wall, the hide rug,
 the open hand that holds the chalk inviting words be
"spoken", the unique chandelier.

because of the black painted window frame, the story on the wall, the easel, 
and the surface to be creative and spark conversation.

because of the overflowing library, the zebra print, the comfy
corner, the transparent intention of the space, and the artwork.

because of the juxtaposition of rustic and formal, the 
objects de' art, the relaxed conversation  that
is invited whether coming or leaving.

because of the cozy nook, the mix of casual and formal,
the pillows, and all the memories that are 
evident will happen here.

Image Sources:  Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles, Zsa Zsa Bellagio, Asmari, The Colonies, Eco Luxe Studio, Elle Decor

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