Thursday, July 4, 2013

Gotta Love No. 34 - The Root Table

Where is your root table?  On the few occasions that I did work for a client who owned root tables they were still held in the reverence deserved.  Each client  had their own story of the acquisition of their root table.  These clients were all original owners and told their story with fond memories.

So if your root table is banished to the basement and stacked with so much clutter that you can't even see it, shame on you!

This looks like the start of a truly amazing room!
Chesterfield, root table, hide rug, embossed leather ottoman.  Yes a very good start.

All it takes is a glass top and bam - a gorgeous dining table!

Simplicity at its best.

The root table pairs with a slate top well and the mirror backdrop is yummy!

No centerpiece necessary, ever.


Sunshine, gleaming bright.

Image Sources:  Pinterest, Corbis, Metropolitan Home

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