Monday, June 17, 2013

Gotta Love No. 33 - Glamping


a form of camping in which participants thoroughly enjoy comforts like real bed, real food and style traditionally associated with more luxurious holidays.

This glamping and I could become really good friends!  The only problem I see is picking my location.

Glamping on the beach, pros:  many, cons:  none!

This glamping location is amazing. Loving the bath.

Really?  Whatever did I have against camping? Whatever it was
this took it all away.

Glamping with a front porch!

Glamping at Calistoga Ranch in Napa Valley.  What more could a girl ask for?

Oh yeah, and did I mention it includes an outdoor shower

Image Sources:  Glamping Hub, iexpore, Prairie Hive, Real Life Runway, USA Today, Calistoga Ranch, Effortless Chic, Iloveittoo

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