Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Garden Design No. 10 - Moss Gardens

My Dad was big on Sunday afternoon drives. Some times planned, some times spontaneous. One of my favorites was the planned drive when we would head to a particular State Park that we frequented often. So often that we knew most of the trails like the back of our hand.

It was a delight to experience nature's gifts, along with Mom's picnic lunch. How amazing it was to us that the Park was 20 degrees cooler then the hot Summer day outside it. Seriously, we would build a fire  in the massive stone fireplaces built by hand that still exist today in this park, to keep warm while eating lunch. And the water from the natural spring was the freshest you will ever taste.

But one of the most memorable "finds" was what I like to call "nature's carpet". Finding those massive patches of moss to go barefoot in was so much fun. This was our equivalent to a kid's bouncy house.

To this day I find Moss Gardens to be so soothing and relaxing and invitingly tranquil.

Image Sources: Flicker, Daily Venture, Serenity in the Garden, TLC, Water Daily

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