Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Be Inspired No. 26 - Go Red for Women

I recently had the privilege of selecting outfits and dressing models for a local Go Red for Women fashion show. I am inspired by the way the models, all heart disease survivors, embrace life.

Go Red For Women encourages awareness of the issue of women and heart disease, and also action to save more lives. The movement harnesses the energy, passion and power women have to band together and collectively wipe out heart disease. It challenges them to know their risk for heart disease and take action to reduce their personal risk. It also gives them the tools they need to lead a heart healthy life.

In 2010, the American Heart Association set a strategic goal of reducing death and disability from cardiovascular disease and strokes by 20% while improving the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% by the year 2020. For more information visit www.goredforwomen.org

The fashions featured shades of red and ranged from vibrant interpretations to subtle touches of the color.  This was an easy transition for me as dressing a model with her outfit and just right accessories is no different then "dressing" a room.

So if you find yourself getting stuck with design of a room - approach it like you would an outfit for a special occasion. After all, the room has an occasion whether it is for dining with friends, enjoying a favorite movie with the family, or our quiet getaway at home. Once the room's purpose is defined - then comes the palette, the necessary furnishings to accomplish the purpose, and then the finishing touches of the accessories.

Image Source:  goredforwomen.org

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