Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Garden Design No. 5 - Holiday Terrariums

With the Christmas holiday quickly approaching I've been receiving numerous e-mails from retailers showing off their holiday offerings. A recent one from Terrain at Styers (my all-time favorite garden shop) caught me gawking. The subject was holiday terrariums.

What a lovely winter scene. It reminds me of an enlarged snow globe (with much more class then those obscene lawn ornaments!)

With a quick trip to your local garden center and one to the craft store, you'll have all you need to create your own enchanting scene.

Use your creativity to come up with the perfect glass container for your holiday terrarium. And while you are at it - this would make a great hostess gift so make multiples.

How adorable would these ornament terrariums be on a woodland-themed Christmas tree?

Image Sources:  Terrain at Styers, Design Sponge, House to Home UK

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