Thursday, August 11, 2011

Be Inspired No. 11 - Dashboard Inspiration

Observe your surroundings and you will be amazed how you can be inspired.

After all, nothing in interior design is new - it is an inspiration of things observed by the keen eye.  The beautiful results are the interpretation of a talented designer.
Willow Bee Inspired Philosophy No. 3

I'm inspired by this dashboard of a Frauscher luxury boat. At Willow Bee Inspired this brings to mind cool breezes, warm wood tones, leather upholstery, masculine textures, chrome accents, and Lucite tables. And I'd mix in vintage gauges, a vintage pair of binoculars with its worn leather case, and some great vintage lithographs. Sound like a dream room for you?

Image Sources: Frauscher, Austria; Decor Pad; Domino; Elle Decor; Greige; Louise Bradley; Tartanscot; Stephen Sills; Room Service

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