Saturday, June 25, 2011

RSVP Collection No. 8 - Summer Salad and a Glass of Wine

Here is a  recipe for very refreshing summer salad with a wine suggestion to go along.

Tomato and Plum Salad with Basil and Lavender

4-6 very red, ripe Roma (or other plum-type) tomatoes
1 pkg. (approx. 16) yellow cherry tomatoes, halved
5 large, scented red-fleshed plums
1 small handful basil leaves
2 fresh, unsprayed, heads fresh lavender (plus extra for garnish)
2 T. vinaigrette
2 level t. red plum jam
2 T. red wine or sherry vinegar
1/2 t. salt and ground pepper
1 T. pomegranate molasses or vincotto (optional)

Slice the plum tomatoes into thin slices and place them in a large bowl together with the halved yellow tomatoes.

Cut the plums into segments, discarding the pits, and add the segments to the bowl.

Place the basil leaves into the bowl along with two of the fresh lavender heads, crumbled. Reserve the remaining lavender heads.

Using a blender or food processor, blitz together the vinaigrette, jam, vinegar, salt, pepper, and pomegranate molasses (or vincotto) for 30-34 seconds to make a glossy sauce. If the flavour is too intense, add a little water and blitz again.

To serve gently spoon dressing over the salad but do not toss. Arrange the salad on plates and garnish with whole lavender flowers, if liked.

Knappstein Clare Vlley
Ackland Vineyard
2010 Watervale Riesling

According to British Homes and Gardens this creamy, lime-sherbet-infused Riesling is wonderfully refreshing. And the Australian Wine Journal comments that Ackland's fragrance brings in immediate thoughts of fresh green apples and lemon, but its aromatic lift is presently constrained by a defining, almost steely tightness that follows through to a gripping palate. I personally haven't given this wine a try yet but am looking forward to adding it to my Wine Bucket List.

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