Friday, June 17, 2011

Gotta Love No. 1 - Redheads

I am a natural redhead. What a mysterious web we redheads have woven in history! Adored, hated, loved, feared, worshipped and idealized. Did you know red hair is most commonly found in western Europe? Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England. 13% of Scots have red hair and approximately 40% possess the recessive gene. Ireland is next in line with 10% having red hair.

Prince Harry

In the United States 2-6% have red tresses, but with a massive population this gives the U.S. the largest population of redheads in the world with 6-18 million. Compared to 650,000 in Scotland and 420,000 in Ireland.

"Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead. "– Lucille Ball
The first chapter of Marion Roach's Roots of Desire is titled "Wild, Oversexed Heathens, Banshees, and Queens - Redheaded Women and How They Make Us Feel The Way We Do.     My, oh my!

Rita Hayworth

People with red hair are sometimes referred to as redheads or gingers and in Australian slang as bluey or blue.

Julia Roberts

Marcia Cross

"It’s not the hair that turns men on, it’s the spirit that redheads exude." – Unknown

Reba McEntire

"Nobody who has known a redhead can say that redheads are tame. Even shy redheads have a burning spark of adventure inside them. Opinionated, hotheaded, logical, loyal, friendly, reserved, whatever the redheads’ personality, you can bet they’ll have SCADS of it!" – Review of the Redhead Encyclopedia
Debra Messing

Amy Adams

"All throughout history, from Reuben to Robbins, redheads have been recognized as a rare breed. Blondes may have more fun, brunettes may be brainier, but when it comes down to raw energy, creativity, and personality…you can’t beat a redhead well, you can, but beware she’ll probably beat you back!"– Redheads Unlimited

"Blondes are noticed but redheads are never forgotten."– Unknown

Ruadh gu brath! – Scots Gaelic for “Red heads forever!”

Image Sources Unknown, Research Sources: Wikipedia, Hub

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