Monday, May 2, 2011

Gift Giving No. 1 - Impromptu Road Trip Bag

Oh the joy of simple pleasures! A few weeks ago a dear family member shared with me their dream to just hop in the car for an impromptu road trip. It's on their bucket list and she thought it was time to make it happen.

Since the Easter holiday was coming up I thought it would be fun to create a non-traditional basket to cheer this dream on! The bag is being kept in their front hallway closet at the ready, to grab, hopefully soon!

If you want to have fun and create an Impromptu Road Trip Bag for a friend here are some ideas as to what to include:

Fast Flats by Dr. Scholls

Favorite Music

Crystal Light

Quick Snacks

I used a reusable shopping bag from Trader Joe's as the Gift Bag because it can be used for treasures found on the road trip.  A fabulous gift tag that I created using a vintage Monopoly Chance card topped off the bag.

Vintage Chance card used as part of gift tag.

While you are at it - make one of these bags for yourself!  After all, you don't have to travel far to find the perfect picnic spot along side a quiet lake, or that cute little Chesapeake Bay-side town with fab shopping, or a major league baseball game on a sunny afternoon, or antiquing in that secret spot that you just discovered and are debating sharing with your friends. Make a bag, take an afternoon, and slow life down a little bit. Oh, and hey - throw in a pair of comfy pjs, never know where you might end up!

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