Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Finds No. 3 - Menswear Sketches

I try, I really do, but I cannot walk past a stack of old magazines, books, or other paper. You just never know what treasures you are going to find. One of my recent finds immediately brought Mad Men characters to mind. Not a shabby thought!

Image Source AMC TV

Though the cover was unassuming and aged, as soon as I saw it was fashion-related from 1948-49 I had to take a peek. 

Detmer Woolens was founded in 1885 in New York City. Their slogan was "Wear and Tailor Best". Here are a few images from inside.

These sketches would be great framed for an office, mens bath, library, mens dressing room, tailor's shop, or even a dapper man's kitchen! I framed 2 of them.

Image Willow Bee Inspired

I chose a olive green matte color that had a black core and had the framer cut in "pin stripes" in the matte showing the black core to play on the menswear image. A simple black frame finishes the very classy artwork.

Image Sources Detmer Woolens Autumn & Winter 1948-59.

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